Start a Language Program

Advocacy information for educators and families

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Start a Language Program

Does your child’s school not currently offer a language program? With our guide and these language-specific advocacy resources, you and fellow advocates can join together to make a positive impact.

Starting a Language Program in Elementary Schools

Let’s Get This Program Started!

Increasingly, 家长和社区成员正在为小学阶段的语言课程大声疾呼. 他们看到了语言学习对孩子未来学业和职业选择的价值,并感到有义务确保他们的孩子为在今天的全球环境中生活和工作做好准备.


Start Early

Whether you are interested in getting a program started in a public, private, or other type of school, it takes time. 学校在增加一个新项目之前需要考虑很多问题,需要遵循学校的预算和课程时间表, which could feasibly take several years. In addition, 新语言课程的实施通常包括“祖父式”课程,从学前班或幼儿园开始,每年增加一个新的年级. 那些对实施新项目感兴趣的人需要在最初的兴趣和实际实施之间至少有两年的时间框架.

Seeking Inspiration to Get Started?

In "The Bilingual Revolution: The Future of Education is in Two Languages,Fabrice Jaumont分享了纽约市公立学校基层运动的故事,通过积极的父母的宝贵支持,创建和支持双语课程, educators, and community stakeholders. Available in several languages, this book offers practical and accessible “how to” advice and examples.



Get Information

从收集信息开始,为启动一个项目建立一个基本原理和令人信服的论据. This includes:

  1. List of benefits of learning languages at an early age including cognitive, academic, and social.
  2. 有关小学阶段课程增长的数据,包括附近提供小学阶段语言课程的学校和学区.
  3. 来自学区或学校自己的使命和/或愿景声明的措辞,涉及为学生准备21世纪st century. 几乎所有的学校在这些声明中都有一些迹象表明他们正在为学生的未来做准备,语言倡导者可以通过指出语言课程对这一努力的贡献来利用这些声明.
  4. List of the other special programs supported by the school or school district. 高质量的语言课程采用正规学校课程作为语言教学的内容. If the school currently has a specialized program, for example, in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) field, 可以用外语/目标语言教授这些科目,基本上是在一个任务中完成两件事.

Garner Support

倡导实施语言课程的家长和社区成员需要动员学校内外的支持. The following groups or individuals can become important advocates for the effort:

  • PTA/PTO officers or board members at the school
  • School Principal or Assistant Principal
  • School district personnel responsible for curriculum and instruction or teaching and learning
  • School Board or Board of Trustees members
  • Other influencers of school district decision-making

Get a Meeting

Now armed with information and a group of supporters, request a meeting with those in the school district who can make this decision. It is important to contact the school principal first and find out the best way to proceed.

Make a Visit

It is highly recommended that you organize a visit to an elementary language program in your area, if available. 有时候,一旦学校董事会成员和学区工作人员看到一个正在实施的项目,他们就会被说服. 对于没有经历过幼儿适应学习一门语言的方式的成年人来说,直到他们看到它才能确切地理解它是如何工作的,这是一项挑战. 如果这些决策者看到邻近学区的学生从学习第二语言的机会中受益,这也会令人信服.

Work Together

Once the decision has been made to implement a program, 家长/社区团体应与学校系统专业人员合作实施.

Choose the Language

This aspect of the program is very important. 倡导语言课程的家长和社区成员如果愿意把语言的选择交给学校,他们会更成功. 重要的是,学校社区接受所选择的语言,并在人员配备和提供教学资源方面提供资源. And since the research shows that once children have learned a second language, the third and fourth are acquired more easily, the choice of a specific language should not be a point of contention. 强烈建议学校对家长和/或社区成员进行调查,以确定学校所服务社区的语言兴趣.

Select the Program Model

学校系统的工作人员无疑会开发出最适合各自学校环境和预算的项目模式. 有强化课程称为双语浸入式课程,也有不那么强化的课程称为小学外语课程. 一个明确的语言课程,并确定语言成果对学生有益,是课程成功的关键标准, regardless of the specific model chosen. 家长和社区成员需要注意项目的质量(衔接顺序), identified program outcomes) rather than a specific program model.

Start Planning Early for the Transition to Middle and High School

任何初级语言课程的一个关键方面是为学生顺利过渡到初中和高中做好计划. Since these students will be functioning at a proficiency level higher than former students, 重要的是,他们有一个计划好的课程,可以让他们在升学的过程中继续提高自己的语言能力. When an elementary school anticipates implementing a language program, 学生将要进入的初中和高中应该从一开始就参与到计划中来.

Support the Program


  1. Holding fundraisers to build program resources.
  2. Encouraging cultural opportunities within the community for all the students.
  3. Speaking positively about the program out in the community.
  4. 直接向学校校长或适当的地区工作人员提出对该计划的任何担忧.

For more information:

Curtain, Helena & Dahlberg, Carol Ann. Languages and Children Making the Match: New Languages for Young Learners, Grades K-8. Pearson.