OPI 测试人员 Certification

作为ACTFL OPI测试员的认证承认测试员有能力以高度的可靠性引出和星际网赌登录口头熟练程度的面试.

ACTFL Certified OPI 测试人员s:

  • 在自己的学术机构内为内部目的(如安置)进行opi, graduation requirement, 研究, 以及项目星际网赌登录.
  • Measure student and program outcomes through Advisory testing.
  • 进行咨询测试,可以通过学术升级选项升级到官方状态.
  • Assist with setting program goals and evaluation program outcomes.
  • 可以通过ACTFL的考试管理合作伙伴进行正式的ACTFL考试吗, LTI (if recommended by ACTFL and if there is a testing need).

Need a certificate for licensure?

许多国家教师资格认证部门要求申请世界语言和双语教师资格认证的人通过官方ACTFL证书证明口语和写作的最低熟练程度. 通过适当的ACTFL星际网赌登录来满足这一要求。. The ACTFL 测试人员 Certification is not required.


  • 宝贵的专业学习经验,丰富了世界语言教学方法
  • Access to web-based ACTFL testing resources
  • Invitations to tester meetings and other select tester events
  • Priority recruitment for other ACTFL assessment initiatives

OPI Certification Workshops

The path to OPI certification begins by participating in an OPI Assessment Workshop or Modified OPI Assessment Workshop. Workshops hosted by ACTFL are held multiple times each year online.  You may sign up as an individual for these workshops, or you may have your school, 大学, 区, or consortium arrange to host their own private workshop.

*先决条件:隶属于ACTFL定义的学术机构, undergraduate degree in a related field, 最小的 proficiency level of Intermediate High in the language training.

Certification Prerequisites

To apply to become a certified tester or rater, candidates must meet the following general prerequisites:

  • Affiliation with an accredited academic institution as defined by ACTFL*
  • Possession of an undergraduate degree in a related field
  • 培训语言的最低熟练程度为有限认证的高级中级和全面认证的高级水平.

*An academic institution is an accredited school, 大学, or 大学 where foreign languages are taught. 与学术机构的关系一词定义为参与语言学生教学或星际网赌登录的现任教师和/或工作人员. 提供翻译服务或语言测试的私人语言公司不符合ACTFL对学术机构的定义. Private for-profit companies also do not qualify.

OPI Certification Types

Candidates can apply for one of two types of OPI certification:

  • Full OPI Certification 要求候选人能够表现出高级的口语能力. 这个认证将允许你从初级到高级的面试等级.
  • Limited OPI Certification 要求候选人能够证明最低口语水平为高级中级. 该认证将允许您在新手和中级级别正式星际网赌登录面试. 这个认证对于在初学者和中级范围内以熟练程度为目标进行教学的教育工作者来说是最有用的.

Certification Advancement: Those with a limited certification may apply for 完整的 certification after one year of being an ACTFL OPI tester in good standing. 候选人的口语水平必须达到上级的水平,并且必须参加提升研讨会.

OPI Certification Process

After the workshop, tester candidates may apply for certification. In order to be certified as an ACTFL OPI 测试人员, candidates must success完整的y complete the following steps:

  • Attend an ACTFL OPI or MOPI Workshop
  • 60天内申请OPI认证(见提交申请部分)
  • 通过ACTFL官方OPI(个人OPI)证明自己的语言能力。
  • Prepare and submit recorded interviews and rating rationales
  • Demonstrate the ability to conduct ratable samples and to rate reliably
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PDF - OPI Certification Process Packet 查看PDF

View the OPI 测试人员 Certification Information Packet (PDF).

Submitting an Application


1. 在线: Access the online certification application. (需要登录)

2. 邮寄或传真: Download the PDF application, complete it, and send to:

ACTFL – OPI 测试人员 Certification
1001 North Fairfax Street

For assistance or questions, attend one of our weekly online office hours, 浏览常见问题解答 页面或 星际网赌登录.


ACTFL OPI测试员认证的申请费是不退还的,除非在ACTFL批准的特殊情况下,并且申请人没有启动任何认证过程. 取消申请通知必须在收到处理申请的原始通知后45天内以书面或电邮形式递交. If approved by ACTFL, a $50.00美元的手续费将从申请费中扣除,以向申请人发放退款.

OPI Certification Phases

Once your application for certification has been approved, certification activities take place in four phases.

  • 第一阶段-聆听 & 率的活动:完整的聆听和评分活动,允许候选人将他们的评分与ACTFL官方评分进行比较. 考生必须证明有能力将ACTFL口语水平描述符适当地应用于评级过程,以便进入第二阶段.
  • Phase 2 - Guided Interviews: Candidates conduct live mentor-guided Oral Proficiency Interviews. 这个阶段的目的是为候选人提供关于引出技巧的详细反馈. Candidates must be able to apply mentor feedback during phase 3.
  • Phase 3 - Independent Interviews: Candidates conduct OPIs at a variety of proficiency levels and sublevels independently; independent round interviews are submitted for review and feedback by the candidate’s mentor. Candidates must apply mentor feedback during phase 4.
  • Phase 4 - Certification Interviews:候选人以导师指定的熟练程度进行最后一轮opi. 将对这些opi进行星际网赌登录,并决定是否推荐候选人进行认证.

ACTFL OPI 测试人员 Certification is awarded for a four-year period. At the end of that period, all testers must re-certify.

Personal OPI Scheduling and Results

在申请之前,候选人将负责提供当前的熟练证书. Candidates have the option to purchase the Personal OPI directly through Language Testing International (LTI) advisory OPI through their institution. If an advisory OPI is obtained initially, 然后,咨询OPI必须发送给LTI进行二次评级和认证 Candidate Institutional Upgrade program. 您的熟练等级证书副本必须附在您的申请中,以便被接受进入该计划.

要获得个人OPI证书,请通过LTI安排您的星际网赌登录. For instructions on how to purchase an OPI assessment please 点击这里 或致电LTI联络 support@languagetesting.com 寻求帮助.